KDE startup and wifi initialization under Feisty

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 15:14:18 UTC 2007

> No: the problem isn't the standard init scripts -- the problem is that
> NetworkManager waits for a GUI client to instruct it to connect before
> attaching to the network.

> That application, KNetworkManager, runs concurrent with the other
> applications at session startup -- and consequently the network isn't
> ready when the applications are.

Still sounds like a mess. I have setup my net connection to happen *before* 
KDE runs so that stuff would not happen. I did this even back in the days of 
dialup rather than use kppp because if X (or KDE) crashed then I would not 
lose my net connection.

Sounds like Larry needs to get pppd or basic networking going from a  
lower-level and not rely on KDE's stuff.


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