CUPS & Epson Stylus CX5800F
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
Wed Mar 28 15:03:28 UTC 2007
> On Wednesday 28 March 2007 00:29, Leonard Chatagnier
> wrote:
> > Hope someone can help soon as I need my printer to
> do
> > Income Tax work.
> > My printer was working but now just doesn't
> > work(print). The only thing I've done is upgrade.
> > The KDE add printer utility only has network and
> smb
> > printer active everything else is greyed out. I
> did
> > use administrative mode.
> Is your printer connected via USB? I had a similar
> problem with my old
> paralllel port printer connected via a
> USB->Centronics adapter. Finally
> the USB printer was visible after I sent some data
> to the printer with
> this command:
> sudo -u cupsys sh -c 'echo -e "Hello world!\f"
> >/dev/usblp0
> Then I could install the printer and now everything
> works like expected.
> Nils
Thanks Nils for the reply. Somehow I missed Issues 88
& 89 of the Digest emails and they are not in the
archives or list uri. To answer you question:
My Epson Stylus CX5800 is all usb hooked into by usb#1
adapter port on the computer; no converter whatsoever
is used. Your script command blows my mind; I'm not
really a long standing Linux user. However not being a
patient man, I kept working on the problem, mainly
reinstalling all the related software packages and
retrying the printer installation via KDE Add Printer
Wizard, Localhost:631 and Control
Center>printers>admin mode and right after I gave up
and posted, the Add Printer Wizard worked(the first
radio button was no longer greyed out and could be
selected for the first time after many tries.) and I
was able to reinstall the printer that was once
installed and working. Never did get the
localhost:631 to accept my user ID and passwd. I also
was able to get OO.o to print from Calc which wouldn't
initially with the same driver installed originally
and worked with OO.o v2.
I wished I knew what actually solved the printer
installation problem but haven't a clue. Must be a
buggy cups or kde somewhere as the printer was once
installed and working perfectly. When, if, I get
copies of Issues 88 and 89, I'll reply to any other
comments that were made.
Thanks, appreciate your response,
Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at
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