CUPS & Epson Stylus CX5800F

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Mar 28 06:05:56 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 28 March 2007 00:29, Leonard Chatagnier wrote:
> Hope someone can help soon as I need my printer to do
> Income Tax work.
> My printer was working but now just doesn't
> work(print).  The only thing I've done is upgrade.
> The KDE add printer utility only has network and smb
> printer active eberything else is greyed out. I did
> use administrative mode.  

Is your printer connected via USB? I had a similar problem with my old 
paralllel port printer connected via a USB->Centronics adapter. Finally 
the USB printer was visible after I sent some data to the printer with 
this command:

sudo -u cupsys sh -c 'echo -e "Hello world!\f" >/dev/usblp0

Then I could install the printer and now everything works like expected.


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