EPSON prefection 4490 photo scannerLe 18 mars, 2007

Denis Gaulin 2050gaulin at
Sun Mar 18 15:43:36 UTC 2007

Le 18 mars, 2007

	That is right the version is imporatnt, thanking you for remainding

I use 6.06 ( dapper) version.

Denis Gaulin

Le Mars 18, 2007 04:07 AM, ac a écrit :
> Denis Gaulin wrote:
> [...]
> > 	I am new to Linux OS and Kubuntu (UBUNTU) and I have to say that know
> > very little about  how to find, install different packages..
> Welcome!
> For interest - what version are you using?
> [...]
> > 	My problem is .. I have an EPSON scanner,  4490 perfection 4490 PHOTO
> > that I use with my Mac IBOOK G4 and I want to switch to these new OS and
> > I do not know how to install it on these computers because Kubuntu or
> > UBUNTU do not recognize the scanner.
> I note that an answer to the scanner question is elsewhere in this
> thread. It looks effective, although it may be hard work for an
> inexperienced newcomer. Take your time, it will likely be possible.
> Now you have taken an interest in linux you may view new hardware with
> a different perspective. Some manufacturers of hardware will make your
> life easier.
> > 	The Kubuntu Documentation is  silent about scanner package.... nothing
> > in the official Documentation.
> > 	By the way I have one suggestion in order to facilitate usability for
> > newcomers  ( people like me who know very little ). The Documentation
> > should
> I sympathise, because I still remember when I first used linux (note
> 1). However, Unlike windows, linux is not centralised, nor funded by a
> large revenue stream of money. Also there are a huge number of
> programs out there for use. Different distributions choose
> differently, and people have their own favourites. In principle you
> could create one yourself, tomorrow, and publish it on the internet.
> I find that an internet search such as google (target of web and or
> groups) will almost always provide answers close to your needs. To get
> more personal comments and experiences - as you have done - would be
> to use newsgroups, forums, or email lists.
> Note 1:
> I also still remember when I first used windows, and that was not easy
> either.
> At least with linux I find I can learn something which is stays useful
> into the next version.
> --
> ac

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