Q: panel configuration

Karl Klinger karlok at fastmail.fm
Sat Mar 17 23:58:45 UTC 2007

D. R. Evans wrote:
> So I set the size to "Normal". This had the intended effect of
> doubling the height... BUT there were two things it didn't do, and
> which mean that I really didn't get a whole lot of extra space.
> 1. The Application icons (the ones on the left) became much larger
> than they were before: how do I shrink those icons back down to their
> 16-pixel versions? (These icons also really look clunky, because they
> are so much bigger than every other icon on my desktop.)
I put all my application icons into the quicklauncher applet where the icon size is easy to change.  I set the panel size to large, and the icon size to 24 so I get two rows of application icons - saves a lot of space.

> 2. The system tray, even though it's now twice as high as before,
> still has all the icons in a single line. How do force the icons in
> the system tray to stack so that there are two lines of them instead
> of the current single line?
Setting the panel size to large automatically stacks the system tray 
icons.  Since I also set the panel to autohide, the extra height doesn't 
bother me.

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