Warcraft Through WINE

Chris veritastic at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 17:29:51 UTC 2007

Hello folks,
Last night I followed the steps listed in the Ubuntu Community Help for
installing World of Warcraft. I had it easy, since I could just copy the
files from my Windows partition into a new directory in Kubuntu. I followed
the steps listed for WINE, and when I try to run it I get errors about World
of Warcraft not able to start 3D acceleration. Now, I have a crappy video
card, I know, its an intel that came in my stupid Dell box.
How would I go about fixing this? I cannot even get the game to open. I did
manage to for about a minute by adding -d3d after the command line launch,
but then it locked up my computer and sent it into a strange console looking
screen and had to hard reboot. Even when it was running, the graphics were
screwed, with terrain being one long color blob instead of what it should
have been.

Any similar cases out there?

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