Edgy and APT-pinning

Graham gct3 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Mar 11 15:50:29 UTC 2007

On Sun, 11 Mar 2007 22:58:43 +1100
Daniel Pittman <daniel at rimspace.net> wrote:

> As a non-core comment though, don't do that.  You /really/ don't want to
> try and run a system that is a mix of two releases.  In short order you
> will wind up in a stick mess that just doesn't work correctly.

I understand that, but what I want is to give a third party repository a lower
level of pinning than the ubuntu repositories.

I had a problem a while back before I reinstalled Kubuntu that I could not get
dvd::rip to install.  The problem was that my sources.list gave exactly the
same priority to the tuxfamily.org repositories as the ubuntu
repositories.  Consequently, they installed a package which prevented dvd::rip
and transcode from installing.

When I had reinstalled Kubuntu, dvd::rip installed fine from the ubuntu
repositories and before I allow the tuxfamily.org repositories to add any
more conflicting code, I wanted to see if it was possible to pin a repository
at a lower status, not just a different release.  The tuxfamily.org
repositories are for edgy, but hold packages I can't find elsewhere.

I wanted to find out whether I could pin the tuxfamily.org repository at a
lower level to reduce conflicts.



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