apt-get newbie questions

Jonathan Zeppettini jonzep at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 10:15:18 UTC 2007

Phil is right you can configure all your repos from within Adept as
well as use it to search for packages and install them. It's basically
just a GUI frontend for APT and unless you really prefer using the
command line you might want to give it a try. It makes package
management very painless...

On 3/9/07, Phil Bieber <philbieber at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/9/07, Kevin Kempter <kevin at kevinkempterllc.com> wrote:
> > Hi List;
> > I just installed Edgy eft on a laptop and its working great!
> >
> > I'm used to RPM systems where I can search for a pattern as in:
> > "yum search xine" and then install the packages listed that I want.
> >
> > 3 questions:
> >
> > 1) Is apt-get the preferred package inataller?
> > 2) can I do a similar 'search' as above with apt-get
> > 3) how can I add additional repositories to apt? (and do I want to?, is
> there
> > a preferred favorite set of additional repositories)?
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> >
> > --
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> Hi!
> There are apt-get and aptitude for package managing. There was recently a
> discussion here on the list, that aptitude should be preferred over apt-get
> because it has a better dependency tracking (it also removes unused
> dependencies...).
> The search syntax would be
> apt-cache search <package> or
> aptitude search <package>
> There are the multiverse repos, which bring some additional packages. Also,
> there are the unfree / commercial repos with proprietary drivers and
> software (please correct me, if I'm wrong).
> To modify your repos, wither use the GUI (adept) or open
> /etc/apt/sources.list with your favorite text editor.
> Personally, I generate my sources.list with source-o-matic (don't have a
> link handy, but a quick Google-consultion should give it to you). I have the
> KDE & Amarok repos, wine, and multi-media repos ( I can't recall the name,
> and don't have my kubuntu box handy)...
> Cheers
> Philipp Bieber
> --
> "We need a president who's fluent in at least one language."
> -- Buck Henry
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