[kubuntu-users] Suggest to disable artsd by default

Jonathan Riddell jriddell at ubuntu.com
Thu Mar 8 10:31:40 UTC 2007

On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 05:48:36AM -0500, Paul Dufresne wrote:
> But, as a bad user not knowing what he was doing, I had disable
> this feature of artsd to close ALSA after 1 minute idle.
> I first thought that running artdsp amarok or artdsp kaffeine
> would make the problem disappear. But I believe amarok and kaffeine
> call themselves other backend, and the effect of running through
> artdsp disappear.
> My opinion is that disabling artsd by default for feisty would avoid
> much more problems, than losing the warm feedback sounds and alerts
> of KDE3.

There aren't many sound cards or drivers which still only can play
from one source at a time, but it must be annoying for those stuck
with them.  

There are patches that SuSE uses to disable arts and use a KDE 3
version of phonon (kdemm) instead.  If someone wants to investigate
how well those work that would be welcome, although it's likely too
late for feisty.


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