Sifting through files to find/list word/phrase occurrences

john d. herron paradox.herron at
Wed Mar 7 04:36:03 UTC 2007

I'm rather ignorant, alas!
Could you explain what Kerry/Beagle is and how it works, or where I can 
read up on it?

Thomas Olsen wrote:
> Doesn't Kerry/Beagle do that?
> On Tue 6 March 2007 16:49, john d. herron wrote:
>> Hi, all.
>> When I use KFind's "Containing text" option to locate files other than
>> plain text (e.g. files written in OOWriter but saved as MS .doc) that
>> contain a certain word or phrase, I invariably come up emptyhanded even
>> though I know for a fact that there are matches it should find.
>> Is this a built-in limitation or am I simply being overly optimistic, or
>> obviously doing something wrong?
>> If so, are there any other methods that could provide the results I am
>> looking for?
>> Any help will be thankfully appreciated.
>> jdh
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