Another Adept problem

Tez binary_y2k2 at
Wed Mar 7 00:37:06 UTC 2007

Kevin B. O'Brien wrote:
> I've managed to screw up something in Adept again. This time, it was an
> attempt to install the Java Run-time Environment (apparently needed for
> running the OpenOffice Database). It downloaded everything, and started
> to install, then hung at around the 30% mark. Finally, after about 45
> minutes I closed Adept. Now when I try to open it, it opens in read-only
> mode and says that some other process is running. I tried rebooting, but
> that did not clear it up. 
> Ya know, I really do learn things this way, but can someone te3ll me how
> to get out of this? I'm guessing a file is locked somewhere, but I think
> I should make sure I know *which* file before I try to do anything.<g>
> Thank you,
Ahh, Java and Adept, fun for all the family :P

First I'll tell you why it hung.
When you chose to install Java JRE, you have to accept the licence for 
it. So it was waiting for you to do that, I know, it's not exactly 
obvious. If you clicked the "" button you would have seen the licence 
and you would have been asked to accept it. Thing is, in Adept, you can't

So on to the fix.
Because you closed Adept, though you really didn't have a choice, the 
lock file wasn't cleared.
1st open Konsole (Kmenu -> System -> Konsole), then type:
sudo fuser -vik /var/lib/dpkg/lock
sudo dpkg --configure -a
(if you still get an error about the file still being locked then just 
do "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" then "sudo dpkg --configure -a")
Then you'll have to read the licence, by pressing enter to move down.
After that you'll be asked if you accept it, press tab to move to Yes, 
then press enter. After that Adept should work again and Java JRE will 
be installed


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