Another Adept problem

Kevin B. O'Brien zwilnik at
Wed Mar 7 00:26:24 UTC 2007

I've managed to screw up something in Adept again. This time, it was an
attempt to install the Java Run-time Environment (apparently needed for
running the OpenOffice Database). It downloaded everything, and started
to install, then hung at around the 30% mark. Finally, after about 45
minutes I closed Adept. Now when I try to open it, it opens in read-only
mode and says that some other process is running. I tried rebooting, but
that did not clear it up. 

Ya know, I really do learn things this way, but can someone te3ll me how
to get out of this? I'm guessing a file is locked somewhere, but I think
I should make sure I know *which* file before I try to do anything.<g>

Thank you,

Kevin B. O'Brien TANSTAAFL
zwilnik at Linux User #333216
"In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be
thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." -- H.L.

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