If I switch OS's will I be able to...

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Sun Mar 4 03:24:07 UTC 2007

Chris wrote:
> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>> Chris wrote:
>>> Matthew Flaschen wrote:
>>>> Chris wrote:
>>>>> I'm thinking of installing Ubuntu. I currently run FreeBSD and have a
>>>>> 2nd sata drive that holds all my MP3's (compiled from my CD collection).
>>>>> Will Ubu be able to mount this drive so I don't lose all the work I have
>>>>> done to create these?
>>>>> If so - what would the mount command look like?
>>>> Most likely, it will mount automatically, but you can customize it.  Run:
>>>> mount
>>>> on your current FreeBSD system and reply with the output.  Keep in mind,
>>>> MP3 codecs can be installed on Ubuntu, but are not by default (see
>>>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats)
>>>> Matthew Flaschen
>>> Thanks Matthew for the fast reply. Here's the info you requested.
>>> /dev/ad4s1a on / (ufs, local)
>>> devfs on /dev (devfs, local)
>>> /dev/ad4s1e on /tmp (ufs, local, soft-updates)
>>> /dev/ad4s1f on /usr (ufs, local, soft-updates)
>>> /dev/ad4s1d on /var (ufs, local, soft-updates)
>>> /dev/ad6 on /mp3 (ufs, local)
>>> Yes - I have been reading up on the issues with files like MP3 and
>>> iTunes. I do intend (shoudl I be able to mount the drive) to do just that.
>> I searched a bit, and it looks like you can definitely mount
>> FreeBSD-style UFS read-only on Linux.  See
>> http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Linux+FreeBSD-5.html and
>> http://ufs-linux.sourceforge.net/ufs2/README.txt . However, I'm not
>> totally clear if you can mount it read-write.  At any rate, it would be
>> best to change to ext2 if you're planning on switching to GNU/Linux for
>> good.
>> Supposedly, the command for a mount is:
>> mount -r -t ufs -o ufstype=ufs2 <device> <mount_dir>
>> You would want to put it in fstab though.
>> The device names (/dev/*) *will* be different if you switch OS.  You
>> shouldn't have to worry about this though.  My guess is that when you
>> run the Ubuntu installer, the mp3 drive will be detected and everything
>> will be fine.  However, none of this is tested.
>> I also recommend you rip future CD's to Ogg Vorbis, because it has
>> better support with free software (there is support for Windoze too).
>> MP3 isn't supported by default because it is patented.  If you want, you
>> can convert your current MP3's to Ogg Vorbis, but that will lose quality.
>> Matthew Flaschen
> Very cool! I'm not worried if it's read-only up front. If I can access
> to pull it over to the Ubu drive, then format the 2nd sata drive to ext2
> them move em back - I should be in good shape. Agreed?

Yes (make sure you have the space :) ).  You might also consider
reiserfs and ext3.  Both of those have better journaling (recording of
what operations are performed, in case of a crash), but are somewhat
less portable.

Matthew Flaschen

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