Kubuntu - AMD 64 bit installation newbness

Daniele Scarselli scarselli at faunalia.it
Sat Mar 3 10:15:50 UTC 2007

for flash on AMD 64:



Donn ha scritto:
>> I've been running Kubuntu on AMD64 for about a year and a half now. The only thing 
>> I don't have is Flash - but it doesn't bother me.
>> Everything else is in the repos.
> Good to hear -- I feel waaaay better now :)
> /d

Daniele Scarselli
email+jabber: scarselli at faunalia.it
Cell: (+39) 348-7044067  Tel+Fax: (+39) 0587-213742
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy

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