Suggest to disable artsd by default

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Fri Mar 2 20:55:07 UTC 2007

Paul Dufresne wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Mar 2007 01:19:16 -0500, "Matthew Flaschen"
> <matthew.flaschen at> said:
>> Paul Dufresne wrote:
>>> My opinion is that never having problems would be
>>> a better default than having problems only occasionaly.
>> I don't have sound problems occasionally with the default setup.
> Then, I could only guess that maybe my xine is unable to use
> arts for some reason.
> Would you be so kind as opening Amarok, go to menu setting/
> Configure Amarok..., then select Engine on the left, in 'Configure
> xine engine panel', open the 'Output plugin' combo-box, and tell me
> if arts is there? And if you are running development version (feisty)?

No, arts is not there.  I have auto-detect selected.  I am running
gNewSense-kde, which is Kubuntu Dapper modified to remove non-free code.

Matthew Flaschen

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