query about running system services

jerry jerryturba at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 28 19:52:20 UTC 2007

D. R. Evans wrote:
> Ok, so I am being very dense (again).
> This is something that was easy and fast in Mandriva, and I'm sure it
> must be just as easy and fast in Kubuntu, if only I could find the
> trick.
> Basically, I want to control a couple of services.
> I could give a lengthy list of all the obvious things (well, I think
> they're the obvious things to do) that have not worked, but maybe it's
> faster if I simply ask someone to walk me through what I need to do.
> In short, I've tried the "System Services" under "System Settings",
> but that pops up in run level 2 (which doesn't seem right; normally
> I'm in run level 5, aren't I?) and then when I tell it to switch to
> run level 5, I sit waiting forever while every few minutes it pops up
> a dialog with a glacially-moving progress bar that says that it's
> checking the status of system services. It pops up another one before
> the last one has finished.
> So what is the correct way to control system services in a reasonably
> interactive manner Kubuntu?
> (FWIW, I'm running 64-bit dapper.)
I am not sure what you are trying to do but:
To start with Kubuntu's default runlevel is 2.

Run the command runlevel in a terminal. See man runlevel.

So I don't think there is any need to change to runlevel 5.
If you try the command ls /etc/rc* in a terminal you can    see what 
services are started at each runlevel (rc0.d rc1.d etc.)

I expect you could control services in System Settings.



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