Kubuntu Feisty using up all my 1.5gb of RAM...

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Thu Jun 28 02:36:25 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 27 June 2007, Ronnie Tucker wrote:
> But after a log out/in and NOT running Compiz Fusion, i'm still using up
> 1.3gb of RAM...

Run kinfocenter and then have a look at the memory info.  You should see that 
the kernel is using gobs of your memory for disk cache when it isn't needed 
for applications.  The Linux kernel tries to keep your RAM at near 100% 
utilized. What you don't need for application data goes to cache.  Start some 
programs and watch the realtime graphs in KInfoCenter.  You'll see 
application data go up, and cache go down.  Watching this can be reassuring 
that everything is just fine, even though it appears you have no memory left.

I haven't looked at your post very closely, and I'm offering a stock answer to 
what I'm guessing is your issue.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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