virtual OS solutions?

John DeCarlo johndecarlo at
Wed Jun 27 00:28:46 UTC 2007

On 6/1/07, guido dom <guido.dom at> wrote:
> I have today installed in Ubuntu 7.04 VirtualBox (free) and WinXP as
> guest.
> Only trouble up to now: USB
> The trial VMware server works OK but is expensive
> The trial of Parallels works ok (with the latest version) but costs mney.

BTW, it isn't in the distros, at least for Feisty, but VMware Player
2.0supports USB
2.0, shared folders, more than one CPU, etc.

So once you set up a VM, use VMware Player 2.0 to run it - that's my
recommendation - much faster than other VMware products that do snapshots,

John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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