Terminal Syntax

Earl Violet ejviolet at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 25 08:25:57 UTC 2007

--- Ian Whitfield <whitfield at federalsaints.net> wrote:

> Hi all - Me again (as I said still lots to learn... Wish the book I
> ordered would arrive!!!)
> Can someone help out with the syntax in a terminal? I want to try
> and 
> test run a Windows program I use under Linux as the Linux equiv is 
> missing one key feature I need. So I have loaded Wine to do this.
> Looking up how Wine works I can find no way of running directly
> from the 
> CD so I created a folder and copied the contents of the CD to this 
> folder. I understand I now have to open a Terminal, CD to the
> folder and 
> run the EXE.
> I can see the folder and it's path (/Home/Ian/Max Folder) in Konq
> but in 
> the terminal window I can only CD to Home! Whatever I try it says
> "no 
> such folder". I have tried every variation of Syntax I can think
> of!
> Why can I see it but not CD to it???
> Thanks as always
I'm not at all familiar with WINE.  My guess would be because of the
name "Max Folder" with the space in it.  Try:

cd /home/Ian/
ls -l |less

Check if Max Folder shows up.  If it does, then check permissions.
When entering commands, watch the capitalization.  In Linux this
makes a big difference.
There are Bash guides in PDF format available on the internet.  I
don't remember where I got them but try FSF and Debian.


URL http://deserthowler.cjb.net
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