What packages needed for Beryl

Sundar Dhanasekaran sundar261 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 24 15:54:10 UTC 2007

Chris wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've heard a lot of people talking about running Beryl on Kunbuntu.
> Has anybody  ran Compiz also that can compare both of them.  Compiz runs
> decent on machine with at least Intel 865G chipset or above..but still a
> bit slow...and there are compramises using it in KDE.  Like most of the
> "Look and Feel" items not working to tweak the Window decorations.  I'm
> assuming it's because Compiz changes the Window manager and that's why
> those controls don't work.
> So what packages are needed for Beryl to work...and what else to we need
> to know to get this to work properly?  
> Also what are your opinions are Beryl as far as usability and stability?
> I heard that Compiz and Beryl are merging companies...interesting.
> Chris


Instructions for installation and trouble shooting is available @ 

I always have to tweek a bit to get Beryl working.  Most of the issues 
that I have faced with Berly are Missing window decorations and Black 
screens.  They have been unique to nvidia cards and the beryl wiki page 
has good info about fixing these issues.  I always backup xorg.conf file 
before tying out.

I dont feel a difference in performance while using beryl on my lenovo 
3000 n100 laptop with 128MB nvidia go 7300 card.  Not sure about intel 
865G chipset.


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