Low screen resolution with Acer TravelMate 233LC

TerraNova terranova66 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 23 22:22:48 UTC 2007

On 22 June, 2007 7:01 pm, Stefan Lang wrote:

> I found some instructions on the Web, that pointed to the
> 915resolution package and also a helper script on:
> http://roland-lopez.blogspot.com/2007/03/auto915resolution-ubuntu-resolu
If you install the 915resolution package (which it sounds like you've 
done), you should find a file


which got me going.

If you get back to square one, you should be able to check out the 
above-mentioned file and modify the referred-to file 
(/etc/default/915resolution).  That's all I had to do with my setup.

And as Rod Joyce suggested, use System Settings/Monitor and Display  to 
generate a working xorg.conf.

Hope this helps!

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