burning CDs

Tim M southern.tim at gmail.com
Wed Jun 20 01:49:27 UTC 2007

> Two things come to mind.  First is burning a data CD instead of an audio
> CD,
> second is using a CD-RW instead of a CD-R.  Both of these have already
> been
> covered, but I have first-hand knowledge of playing CDs in a truck, so I
> thought I'd chime in anyway.
> Did the CD player come with his truck, or is it an aftermarket
> add-on?  I've
> never actually driven a truck that was born with a CD player, so I've
> always
> had aftermarket add-ons.  The first couple would not play CD-RWs at all.
> They didn't recognize them as anything, and just kicked them out with an
> error code.  The most recent one (purchased in the last couple of years)
> will
> play CD-RWs and even data CDs, and it will even play data CDs full of MP3
> files.
> You probably need to burn CD-Rs to solve the current problem.  Forcing
> them to
> burn at the slowest speed possible (1X, 2X, 4X, as slow as it will go)
> improves the chances that they will play well in the extremely hostile
> environment that is the inside of a truck
> If your nephew is in a position to upgrade his gear, he might do well to
> buy
> one of these newer players.  Swapping CDs gets old fast.  The longest of
> them
> only go for 80 minutes, and then you have to listen to the same tracks
> again,
> or go rooting around for another one in the middle of 5:00 traffic.  I
> don't
> like lossy compression, and I can definitely hear the difference between
> CD
> quality and MP3 files sitting here in my den, but with the whine of the
> turbo, the bass thrum of the big diesel engine, the wind noise, the tire
> noise, the chassis noise, you'll never notice the difference in a truck
> cab.
> You can pack a lot of MP3s onto a CD-R or CD-RW.  I think I got most of my
> Pink Floyd boxed set on one single disc that way.
> Highly recommended, although not mandatory, and certainly not worth
> getting
> him in trouble if he's a company driver, and is not allowed to make such
> modifications to the equipment.
> --
> D. Michael McIntyre

Thank you for the well thought out and well written discussion! The truck is
a brand new Volvo and looks like it has everything on it but the kitchen
sink.  Thanks again.

Tim Maddux
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