No sound in Dapper

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Tue Jun 19 23:55:00 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Stew Schneider wrote:
>> I just realized that I might have hijacked a thread there, and didn't 
>> mean to do so. Here's a new one:
>> I have two boxes at a non-profit. Neither will play music.
>> Box #1 won't play a CD, but we do have sound otherwise
> How have you tried to play a CD?
He popped one in, and got no response. He then opened Amarok and got no 
play. I was busy with another box, and didn't get to work on that one. 
I'll do it tomorrow. That one may be the easiest, as the sound system 
works. On the other one, the sound system doesn't work and I really 
could use some diagnostic suggestions. I wish I had noted down the 
errors, but I ran out of time.


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