speech to text -- I am tired of looking

Jeremy Anderson jeremy at jdli.net
Fri Jun 15 19:02:04 UTC 2007

O.k.  Does anyone have any place to point me to a packaged, working, not too 
difficult to set up speech to text software for kubuntu/linux.  I feel like I 
am chasing my tail looking on the net.  It would be helpful if this is 
something that you yourself are currently using or trying out.  I am not dumb 
about how to compile and do things in linux and have been a user for more 
than a few years.  I just am a lead network engineer for a voip and isp 
company so I have limited time to mess around with this particular piece.  I 
am not against research and figuring it out myself I just can't seem to find 
something that is not still in beta.


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