Skype telephone giveaway- but not for Linux users

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Fri Jun 15 10:52:38 UTC 2007

manchicken spake thusly on 06/13/2007 05:53 AM:
> On Tuesday 12 June 2007 17:41:36 Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On Tuesday 12 June 2007, manchicken wrote:
>>> Please forgive me for valuing freedom.  I was merely brought up to think
>>> that taking someone's freedom away was wrong.  If you're okay with such
>>> atrocities that's your thing... just don't be surprised when I choose to
>>> oppose the restriction of freedom and all who approve of it.
>> Who's taking your freedom away?   You have a choice to use proprietary
>> software or not.  That's freedom of choice.
>> There's nothing Skype can do to take freedom from you.  Just don't use
>> their software.
> I was talking about freedom.  I asked a question about freedom and received an 
> answer about freedom. 

It sounded more like you were talking about "software source code
freedom". "Freedom" as a word is has much farther reach....[1]


> There is something skype could do to violate both your freedom and your 
> privacy.  Their license is implicit (not requiring signature) and forces you 
> into their terms without any other choice if you want/need to use skype.  
> Their client is proprietary and so is their network, so nobody really knows 
> what they are and are not recording.

Nobody really knows who's reading your (unencrypted) email, either....

> As I said before, if these aren't your ethics then that's your choice.  I, 
> however, will continue to oppose proprietary software regardless of your 
> dislike for my opinions and ethics.

Personally, I prefer the philosophy of noted FLOSS advocate and
publisher, Tim O'Reilly.  He's a *huge* FLOSS advocate, but he also
wants the best (software) tool for the job.

Unfortunately the best tool doesn't always come from FLOSS. I suppose
that's why he feels that way.

I share his philosophy.

I generally prefer FLOSS but like O'Reilly, I'm a realist, so I don't
foolishly limit myself. I don't understand why anyone would.

©2007 angrykeyboarder™ & Elmer Fudd. All Wites Wesewved

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