Python version
Derek Broughton
news at
Thu Jun 14 13:10:46 UTC 2007
Neil Winchurst wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Jun 2007 16:52:30 -0400
> Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
>> I suspect that's because it is calling on 'python' and as you said, you
>> get 2.4.
>> What you need to do is to:
>> sudo rm /usr/bin/python (remove the old symlink named python)
>> sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python (make a new
>> symlink)
>> This will point 'python' to the 2.5 version.
> I have looked in /usr/bin more carefully now. I see that I have files
> pydoc, pydoc2.4 and pydoc2.5
> pygettext, pygettect2.4 and pygettext2.5.
> both pydoc and pygettext are links to the relevant file version 2.4. So
> if I change the link 'python' above as per your suggestion, do I also
> need to change these other links? It seems that although I was given
> both version of python, all the 'plain' links point to the 2.4 versions
> at the moment. There could be implications to changing these links.
Being a more adventurous sort than you, I just purged python2.4 from my
system. I really doubt I'll have any problems.
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