Skype telephone giveaway- but not for Linux users

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Jun 13 17:15:36 UTC 2007

On 13/06/07, manchicken <manchicken at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 June 2007 18:33:20 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> [snip]
> > It's an atrocity that a software company will not let you modify and
> > redistribute their code?
> Restricting freedom for the sake of profit is an atrocity.

I suppose that you don't drive on toll roads, then, as they restrict
your freedom of moving if you don't pay. Buses and trains for that
matter, as well, as they don't let everybody have a free ride.

You want to know how evil I am? Not only do I use Skype, but I
actually _pay_ to use their SkypeOut service! I voluntarily give them
my money in exchange for a service! I'm terrible.

Dotan Cohen

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