Compiz in Kubuntu (KDE)

Chris kubuntu at
Mon Jun 11 22:42:41 UTC 2007

> Hello All,
> I just joined the mailing list here becuase I found that I was asking
> too many Kubuntu questions on a Ubuntu list.
> I was wondering if anybody had an opinion on the best way to setup
> Compiz in Kubuntu.  The way that I've done it is installing
> and then the "gnome-compiz-manager' and that gives me a new K menu
> selection "settings".  The things that I noticed, first is that it
> doen't always work on all machines (when the XGL desktop is turned on
> the screen goes white and that's have to reboot the machine to
> see anything) and second, if it does work, it's slow in responce than
> it was run in Ubuntu (gnome).  It's not as smooth and quick in
> as it should be.  Any thoughts?
Thanks ,

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