kdesu and 'edit as root' (was)
Gene Heskett
gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Jun 10 03:27:06 UTC 2007
On Saturday 09 June 2007, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
>On Friday 08 June 2007 12:45:59 pm Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Friday 08 June 2007, Andy Harrison wrote:
>> >On 6/8/07, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> >> > X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
>> >> > Major opcode: 147
>> >> > Minor opcode: 3
>> >> > Resource id: 0x0
>> >> > Failed to open device
>> >> > X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
>> >> > Major opcode: 147
>> >> > Minor opcode: 3
>> >> > Resource id: 0x0
>> >> > Failed to open device
>> >>
>> >> There's no failure there. Those are normal messages because you don't
>> >> have a Wacom device.
>> >
>> >A bit off the current OP topic, but when I tried commenting out those
>> >wacom sections in my xorg.conf, Xorg wouldn't even start up. Any idea
>> >how to properly get rid of that stuff?
>> >
>> >--
>> >Andy Harrison
>> >public key: 0x67518262
>> Join the crowd they ignore Andy. I tried that a month ago and got no
>> reply.
>> --
>> Cheers, Gene
>> "There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
>> soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
>> -Ed Howdershelt (Author)
>> Your aim is high and to the right.
>No offense here, but I did a search back three months and see that all of
> your email questions were responded to. A correct answer may or may not
> have been forthcoming but, from what I can tell you were getting responses.
None taken Howard.
Humm, now I wonder. I've had more than one round with the vz tech support
slaves over their definition of spam, the last time they shut off lkml and I
had to resubscribe using a gmail account. So I'm wondering if their
so-called filter is firing on this lists output occasionally.
>However, to answer the wacom question a quick search through the archives
> and a google search for this issue would quickly reveal the solution. Its
> a popular question on the list. Wait around a couple of weeks, it'll come
> up again.
I did that in fact, but the problems google upchucked for me to read, while
related to the wacom stuffs, didn't seem to fit the clues I was getting at
the time.
>I think, however, that Nigel's problem (the OP) is more than just a wacom
>issue. I believe Nigel would know how to hunt that part down. However,
> the wacom errors will not help nor hurt Konqueror from starting up as root.
The problem as I saw it was that those references are not removable from
xorg.conf as the server will not start without them, fussing about some
missing library in something wacom related, but which doesn't appear as a
string anyplace in the /etc/X11 tree according to grep.
As to why it was trying to load something it didn't need, and failing, I'm a
bit like Pooh, I have little idea.
At the time, I was trying to clean house because both the graphics card (a
gforce2 5200-256) and the monitor (a Samsung Syncmaster) are known to
function just fine at 1600x1200. But that mode cannot be used under 6.06 for
some reason, maximum is 1024x768, a huge downgrade in the graphics display
capabilities for the program it must run, in this case emc2, its running a
cnc milling machine.
Any change I made to xorg.conf, even the simple adding of a "1600x1200" in the
drivers list of resolutions kept x from starting. AIUI, it should have
skipped on by that and used the next lower resolution setting which is in
fact the one it using now, 1024x768. But it didn't, it just refused to start
at all. "No screens found".
>Even when I got those errors (for a long time I never worried with them) my
>apps never failed to start on a random basis like that.
Neither do mine fail to start, as long as X will start. Now, if I could get
it to start in the higher res mode, my display would be a lot more
Any help in that regard, urls to tutorials on how to get rid of the EDID (I
think that's what its called, when the monitor is queried for its abilities?)
dependency & go back to the days of specing the monitors available sweep
frequencies ranges, would be a huge step forward on that particular machine.
Many Thanks.
Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
The worst thing about some men is that when they are not drunk they are sober.
-- William Butler Yeats
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