Boot questions

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Sat Jun 9 20:56:24 UTC 2007

On Saturday 09 June 2007 01:15:11 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> Larry Hartman wrote:
> > On Friday 08 June 2007 12:17:26 pm Derek Broughton wrote:
> >> Larry Hartman wrote:
> >> > So I added noapic and was unable to boot except in
> >> > recovery mode.  Here is the applicable boot.list portion:
> >
> > ok....I think I understand the difference.  I added it to the defoptions,
> > and the default boot didn't boot, the alternate did....
> Ah, sorry.  My fault.  I obviously read "able" instead of "unable"...
> > Now my real point is that the MP-BIOS error is somehow related to APIC,
> > but the suggested solution to add noapic to the boot process caused the
> > system to
> > not boot.  I think the issue is fairly rare, was hoping someone could
> > give me definite pointers.
> So does the 8254 error actually prevent booting?  If not, I wouldn't worry.

Well I am able to boot and use the system, so my worry level is fairly low....  
Previous kernel versions noapic was added and all worked fine.  Wonder what 
the difference is?

> >> > 3.  Last, the final checkbox line in the boot has a "fail" warning.  I
> >> > believe it has to do with apache2 webserver.....which does load...I
> >> > see it in the
> >> > memory....but the line goes by so quickly I can not read it all.  What
> >> > file on the system contains all of these checkbox lines so that I can
> >> > review them and troubleshoot?
> >>
> >> Just use ctrl-alt-f8, and it puts you back to the terminal where the
> >> boot process was logging.  Interestingly, when doing this to find out
> >> which terminal it was on, I discovered one of _my_ last scripts
> >> (S99nxserver) has an error, and _it_ is working fine, too!
> >
> > I didn't think of that you suggested it and I tried it,
> > discovered my video card messes up the monitor on the other screens with
> > vertical
> > colored lines.....uggh, ATI.  But that is another concern.  Would there
> > be a way I could check this from within KDE?
> I wouldn't blame ATI for this - it sometimes happens to me with Intel 915
> graphics.
> You might try any of the other terminals first.  I find that when that
> happens, it only happens to the first terminal I try.  So try
> <ctrl-alt-f1>,  if you get the vertical lines, try the next one.  When you
> see a good terminal, then try <ctrl-alt-f8>.  I just know that the log
> messages must be available somewhere, but I can't find them either...

Your right ATI is not the problem......does the same thing even when the fglrx 
driver is not loaded.   None of my terminals work after x starts.  
Incidentally I get a terminal login screen flash for just a second prior to x 
starting, never did that least slow enough to notice.

> --
> derek

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