No mail from cron on Feisty

Macario Valle macariov at
Tue Jun 5 02:14:22 UTC 2007

On Mon, 2007-06-04 at 16:57 -0700, kk wrote:
> 5 1 * * *       root    rsync-backup >> /home/kk/logs/backup.log

If you need to keep dated logs, so that you can later on do log
management, like backing up, deleting, comressing, whatever you wish, i
have my crontab item redirect output to a dated log, like so:

/usr/bin/gotmail4evolution 2 >> /home/kk/logs/$(date +\%A-\%m\%d\%Y).log

I like to know what they of the week it was for each day, but if you do
not wish that, delete the '\%A-' and you should be good with a boring
generic dated log.  

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