Re: System → Administration → Networking???

Andy Harrison aharrison at
Fri Jun 1 16:28:18 UTC 2007

On 6/1/07, Eric Jackson <ejazzkatt at> wrote:
> >
> > Click the K menu, System Settings, then Network Settings.
> That doesn't give me the option to select another network device. I've tried
> that. The link I gave is from the official docs for Feisty. On my computer,
> there is nothing named Administration under System. Is there something wrong
> with my installation? Are the docs wrong? Is there a command I can enter
> from the terminal to start the correct networking tools?

The docs must be incorrect.  I'm running Feisty and I don't have that
option either.  And it does give you the option to change network
devices there where I indicated.  Perhaps you did not click the
"Administrator Mode" button?

This is where I configure all of my interfaces, wireless, wired, and
vlan tagged.

Andy Harrison

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