Kubuntu Amd64

FX Fraipont fxfrpt at gmail.com
Mon Jul 23 21:26:50 UTC 2007

What to do to get (maybe) Acrobat reader to work with amd 64:
 From http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575
If this does not discourage you, go ahead and install Feisty 64

*Step 1:*

    * sudo apt-get install dchroot debootstrap
    * sudo mkdir /chroot/
    * sudo gedit /etc/dchroot.conf
          o Add this line: hoary /chroot
    * sudo debootstrap --arch i386 hoary /chroot/
    * sudo chroot /chroot/
    * dpkg-reconfigure locales

*Step 2:*
In another terminal window (or by existing chroot):

    * sudo gedit /chroot/etc/apt/sources.list
    * Add the following lines:
          o deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary main restricted
            universe multiverse
          o deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hoary-security main
            restricted universe multiverse

/(We do this step because gedit has yet to be installed in the chroot 

*Step 3:*
In your chrooted environment (chroot /chroot):

    * apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade

*Step 4:*
In another terminal window (or by existing chroot):

    * sudo cp /etc/passwd /chroot/etc/
    * sudo cp /etc/shadow /chroot/etc/
    * sudo cp /etc/group /chroot/etc/
    * sudo cp /etc/sudoers /chroot/etc/
    * sudo cp /etc/hosts /chroot/etc/
    * sudo gedit /etc/fstab
    * Add the following lines:
          o /home /chroot/home none bind 0 0
          o /tmp /chroot/tmp none bind 0 0
          o /dev /chroot/dev none bind 0 0
          o /proc /chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
          o /media/cdrom0 /chroot/media/cdrom0 none bind 0 0
          o /usr/share/fonts /chroot/usr/share/fonts none bind 0 0
    * sudo mkdir /chroot/media/cdrom0
    * sudo mount -a
    * sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/do_dchroot
    * Add the following:
          o #!/bin/sh
          o /usr/bin/dchroot -d "`echo $0 | sed 's|^.*/||'` $*"
    * sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/do_dchroot

*Step 5:*
In a new terminal:

    * dchroot -d
    * sudo apt-get install synaptic
    * sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/synaptic /usr/sbin/synaptic32
    * exit
    * sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/do_dchroot /usr/local/bin/synaptic32
    * sudo synaptic32

At this point you should have a 32 bit environment setup with synaptic 
setup. When you run synaptic32 from your main environment it will chroot 
execute it and all installations will be made to your 32 bit 
environment. If you want to be able to easily launch 32 bit chroot apps 
from your 64 bit environment symlink the app name to 
/usr/local/bin/do_dchroot. If you're using this as desktop system you'll 
probably want to use synaptic to install x, gnome, ubuntu specific 
themes, etc.

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