Getting Audacity to Work

Richard Innes unclerichard at
Thu Jul 19 20:50:33 UTC 2007

Tim M:
Audacity is the best audio editing software for the average user.
On the main audacity interface next to the sliders for the microphone 
and volume control - right smack in the middle of the window is a bock 
with a pull-down menu. You may have to experiment with this to get the 
right device - line-in could be your first choice.

Then, open up your Ku/Unbutu volume control or mixer and make sure 
whatever device you are using is not muted or the volume control is too 
low. Sometime a line gets muted, or others have to be muted to open a 
device. Just nose around and be prepared to experiment.

You don't mention what format your long recording is in, but to get the 
best from Audacity you may have to re-record in Audacity;s native format 
then do your editing.

Being an audiophile, I prefer WAV files to any of the compressed formats 
bu they do take up a lot of space. I record in 32 bit 44100 then burn in 
16 bit 44100 the standard for CD's. I get excellent re

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