mem sticks: how to force sync mounts?

Dexter Filmore Dexter.Filmore at
Wed Jul 18 14:01:42 UTC 2007

> There's a kicker applet too.

out of the box or 3rd party? the ootb applet wastes an awful lot of space and 
lacks config options. well, maybe a good read to start with.

> I also have disabled desktop icons and 

oh, and: how do I disable desktop icons? Guess they only draw cpu/ram.

> whenever I mount anything (ipod, memory stick, camera, portable HDD) I get
> an icon in one of my panels. Clicking on the icon brings up a menu of
> options like..well I don't know as I don't have access to any of those
> devices ATM..but one of them is unmount (could be a sync option too).
> There is one icon per device.
> -- chris

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