KDE desktop in KUBUNTU

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Sat Jul 14 14:41:30 UTC 2007

John DeCarlo wrote:
> On 7/13/07, *Winston Mc Leod* <mcleod.wg at gmail.com 
> <mailto:mcleod.wg at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I just downloaded the Kubuntu 7.04 Desktop version and ran it off
>     a live
>     CD, however I saw four desktop icons for four different (virtual
>     )desktops. I tried to drag icons onto different desktop icon numbers,
>     but none moved. 
> Each desktop will have the same panel on the bottom.
> What is different is what programs and windows are on that desktop.  
> So you can have four full-screen windows running at once and switch 
> between them easily.
> -- 
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own 
Open a program that you want to keep in use on the desktop that first 
opens; then open another desktop by clicking on it's number, without 
removing the first program.  Then open another program that you want to 
keep active.  Then, without disturbing either of the first two, open the 
third desktop.  Open a third program, and so on.  Then you can switch 
from one to the other without minimizing a window you want to retain.  
You can make almost as many desktops as you want for this purpose.  Once 
used to it, it is useful.  I hope this is helpful.
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