Adept not ready to be used by non-adept developers

manchicken manchicken at
Mon Jul 2 18:43:33 UTC 2007

On Monday 02 July 2007 12:10:33 Paul Dufresne wrote:
> > That said, adept has some issues but it is far from the doom and gloom
> > you're expressing. If we have SPECIFIC problems, lets work on specific
> > problems.
> I agree the title I choosed is a bit hard.
> And I would find Adept Ok to be used, once the cause of that bug will be
> fixed (and not
> adding an auto 'dpkg --configure -a' like some propose on:
> )
> I did not look long enough at:
> to begin
> understand what it does, but I feel
> it put a band-aid on the problem rather than find the cause.

Actually, I will be adding an auto dpkg --configure -a in as the fix.  You 
see, the dpkg database being locked in the middle of a crash is the correct 
behavior.  If the database is left in an unresolved state, keeping the lock 
engaged until the user resolves it one way or another is the correct action.  
dpkg --configure -a is the correct solution for this problem, and it's not a 

Now, with that said, the fact that we have crashes in the first place is a 
problem, but with what adept does, the causes of crashes are infinite.  Adept 
could crash as a result of how some packages post-install script attempts to 
interface with the user, etc.  So, until we get Adept completely fault 
tolerant, it will be necessary to have some lock resolution logic in there.

> > That said, I've been working on a small fix to get the locked database
> > issue taken care of.  It's mostly working but it's got some wrinkles I
> > need to iron out.
> Is that patch accessible somewhere?
> I'd like to take a look at it.

It's not stable yet.  As soon as I have the patch ready I will upload it to 
bug #48627 for review and application.

~ manchicken <><
(A)bort, (R)etry, (I)nfluence with large hammer.
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