kmail and saving threads

Robert Morrison orbert at
Tue Jan 30 20:21:01 UTC 2007

On Monday 29 January 2007 14:21, Donn wrote:
> I am viewing my kubuntu-users emails as a "thread" and I want to save a
> thread  
> from the OP including all the replies into some kind of useful shape. Is 
> there some clever way a single text file (with indenting) could be produced 
> or even better, a set of linked html files of the whole thing?

I'm not a kmail expert, but here are some suggestions/possibilities:

1) To save the thread to a single file:

-- collapse the thread; select it
-- use menu: File>Save As

The result of this will be a file that contains all the
mail, and is (I think) also a valid *nix 'mbox' file.

2) Searching:


which _may_ help you turn that mbox to a nice set of 
html files.

3) Best place for kmail questions: kdepim-users list:


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