Plug and Pray rant

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Mon Jan 29 18:41:50 UTC 2007

Just added a newish LCD 17" to a simple Compaq DesktopPro machine which 
is probably about 4 or 5 years old.
Anyway, as soon as X kicked in (got to the login screen) the [LCD] 
screen pops up a message saying "Out of Range"; so I did an Ctrl Alt F1 
to get to a terminal and after logging in did the 'dpkg-reconfigure 
xserver xorg'. After answering the questions as best I could and letting 
the auto-detect stuff do their thing, I restarted the computer. It 
wouldn't load X.
So I thought to myself "never mind, I wanted to install Edgy anyway"

<little rant mode>
When will Linux let simple folks add new hardware without getting them 
to pull their hair out and have to do a fresh install?
</little rant mode>

Seriously, if the installer can auto-detect all the hardware why can't 
someone, at say Ubuntu, write a script to call up the auto-detect 
function to recognize and install the relevant drivers and config files 
such as xorg.conf for the newly installed hardware. A new screen is 
probably something that a lot of folks would add from time to time.



OliveRoot Ministries

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