Kubuntu useless for ripping CDs

Johannes Schill johannes80 at polyester.se
Mon Jan 29 08:32:23 UTC 2007

I havent read the discussion from mail#1, and it sounds like if theres 
some kind of conflict with your cd-player and linux, but if you want to 
try more programs there's "Sound Juicer". It should be in the repos.


Citerar tudza <tudza at tudza.com>:

> Well, grip was a good suggestion.
> For the particular CDs in question, it is getting past the first several
> tracks that were completely stopping KAudioCreator and an alternative
> Java application.
> I'm not sure if it is the cd paranoia stuff or not.  The Java ripper I
> tried has this as an option and I had it selected.
> Grip is still working much slower than the freeware ripper I use on
> Windows.  I don't think it is a complete solution to the problem

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