"Key switches keyboard layout while pressed" -- how?

Urtzi Jauregi urtzi at fmf.uni-lj.si
Thu Jan 25 10:22:36 UTC 2007


	I'd need some help with keymap switching under KDE.

	I have two keyboard layouts in my system (Slovene and Spanish, with the first 
as default), and I have to switch often between them. I find it quite 
unconfortable to have to change the entire layout manually to be able to type 
just a few special characters (accents and the ñ) and then back. 

	In the "Xkb Options" of the KDE Control Center I see there is the possibility 
to have some keys switch to another keymap just while pressed. That's ideal 
for me, because if I want a Spanish accent I just press key + accent, then 
the accented letter, and that's it; therefore, I set it so that the right 
CTRL switches keymaps while pressed.

	However, the changes I make seem to have no effect. Neither CTRL nor the 
Windows keys switch the keymaps at all. Anybody can tell me what is wrong?

	I am running a fresh Kubuntu Edgy w. KDE 3.5.5 and kernel 2.6.17-10-generic 
on a HP-Compaq nc6120 laptop.

	Thanks in advance for your help,

	- Urtzi -

Urtzi Jauregi
Fakulteta za Matematiko in Fiziko, Univerza v Ljubljani
Jadranska 19, Si-1000 Ljubljana

Tel: ++386 01 540 13 53
e-mail: urtzi at fmf.uni-lj.si

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