
Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 09:34:41 UTC 2007

> So Feisty is due out in April. So what do I do then? If I stay with
> Edgy, which is working just fine for me, will I have any problems? Am I
> right in thinking that, after April, Edgy will no longer be supported?
> Has anyone out there had a successful upgrade in Kubuntu? After a couple
> of disastrous attempts at upgrades in the past I am very wary.
> I know that some of you have been using (k)ubuntu much longer that I
> have. Any suggestions, help, warning etc gladly received.
We had a bit of a talk about new software in old distros recently and that's 
related. I agree that upgrading is not easy. I still have not had the nerve 
to go from Dapper to Edgy. IMHO it's erase and install because it's just too 
hard to seek and destroy all the little things that don't work.

So, because Dapper is working fine and my software is still not too stale... I 
will stay here for as long as I can. If something I need like Inkscape 
suddenly leaves me behind, then I'll "wipeGrade" up to a new Kubu.


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