
Neil Winchurst neil at holsdevon.eclipse.co.uk
Fri Jan 19 09:20:44 UTC 2007

I have been using Linux for some years now (more than five). When 
Kubuntu Edgy came out in October I installed it. I have been very 
pleased with it, after some tweaks and changes. I am sure that I will 
stay with it.

However, one thing that I have learnt over the years is that upgrades 
just don't work. Up to now I have always wiped the hard drive and 
installed as new each time I have gone for a newer or different distro.

So Feisty is due out in April. So what do I do then? If I stay with 
Edgy, which is working just fine for me, will I have any problems? Am I 
right in thinking that, after April, Edgy will no longer be supported? 
Has anyone out there had a successful upgrade in Kubuntu? After a couple 
of disastrous attempts at upgrades in the past I am very wary.

I know that some of you have been using (k)ubuntu much longer that I 
have. Any suggestions, help, warning etc gladly received.


Neil Winchurst

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