Upgrade to Fiesty

Ron Morse rbmorse at comcast.net
Wed Jan 17 18:58:43 UTC 2007

I'm sorry. I did the update from Edgy. Should have be more clear. 

What I would recommend right now is to start with a clean install of 
Herd 2 into an empty partition, leaving your existing Edgy 
installation intact. Then, copy over all the stuff from the /home in 
your existing Edgy into /home in the Feisty partition.  Once that is 
set and running, you can decide if you want to keep the Edgy install 
or reclaim the disk space.  

Keep Fesity current with apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade 
(until they get Adept Updater fixed...after which you can use that). 

I personally would not recommend using Feisty as your main/only 
operating system because you can't predict when things are going to 
get even more interesting than they are now.  The developers keep 
promising to deliver things that will be really spectacular if they 
work and go thermonuclear if they don't between now and Beta1. 


On Wednesday 17 January 2007 09:47, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> Thanks, this is the kind of stuff I was looking for, but from
> someone who had upgraded from Edgy.  It does answer some of my
> question anyway. I'm thinking about making the jump, I just wanted
> to know what I was getting myself into.
> --
> See Ya'
> Howard Coles Jr.
> John 3:16!

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