Upgrade to Fiesty

Myriam Rita Schweingruber schweingruber at pharma-traduction.ch
Wed Jan 17 10:09:57 UTC 2007

Am Mittwoch, 17. Januar 2007 04:11 schrieb Chris Miller:

> As a developer (not for any *buntu projects, though) I feel obligated
> to tell you this:
> Alpha software is as-yet un-tested software.  Testing goes something like:
> fix compile errors -> alpha test -> beta test -> release to public
> You're going to have an extremely bumpy ride.

Well, not as bumpy as I expected it to be. Right now I switched to GNOME 
because I did some mismatch in my KDE desktop with transparency and I can't 
read my screen (wholly my fault !), but everything works fine for me since 4 
days. Of course, you should eventually update your system more often as some 
packages are hold behind every now and then, but I can work as usual.

But of course, don't do this on a productive system unless you like to take 
risks :-) (Which I definitely do with Ubuntu/Kubuntu on my laptop, running it 
since Hoary Hedgehog and very often early Alpha versions). My desktop runs 
Dapper quietly, but this is my "emergency work" machine, I spend 98% of my 
time on the laptop.

Greets, Myriam

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