KDE Menu Edit problem

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Wed Jan 17 10:57:58 UTC 2007

I have a habit of creating shortcuts on the desktop while testing, then 
migrating them to the menu if they prove useful. I can't find a simple 
way to do this with the KDE Menu.

Unlike Windows, with KDE Menu you cannot drag and drop a shortcut 
directly onto the menu, since the menu will not open when the shortcut 
is dragged over it.

Similarly, if you open KDE Menu Edit, you can't drag and drop items onto 
the list - in fact, this seems to sends it into a bit of a short nap.

Finally, you can't copy and paste an item into the KDE Menu Edit list.

So, my question is: Is there a straightforward way to create a KDE Menu 
item from an existing desktop shortcut/link?


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