
Ignazio Palmisano ignazio_io at
Mon Jan 15 16:34:18 UTC 2007

Harijs Buss wrote:
> On Monday 15 January 2007 13:22, Ignazio Palmisano rakstija:
>> Harijs Buss wrote:
>>> Probably that can be done from Linux as well. 
>> Once a utility called HDCopy existed, I don't know about its current
>> status but back then it was a simple DOS executable, cardware license,
>> and could do lots of strange things like disk copy and disk formatting
> Yep, thanks, I remember this one :)  The trick would be to do such things in 
> Linux.  

What about trying it under wine? I've got no floppy on my linux machine
so I cannot try it myself, but could work, I think.

> Harijs

Ignazio Palmisano
Ph.D. Student - ignazio at, ignazio_io at {,, skype}, palmisano at

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