Cannot access Adpept or Command Line CORRECTION to original post

Jim Byers jim at
Sun Jan 14 17:31:39 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>> As it turns out I can not enter any text into any application after I
>> login.  
> How do you login without being able to type a password?
Jim wrote:

I am able to use the keyboard to login, but once I am in Kubuntu, the 
keyboard seems to not work.
>> I have run recovery and reinstalled the keyboard, 
> What recovery?
> Re-install a keyboard? Did you run dpkg reconfigure?
>> but after my  
>> login I can bring up any applicaton yet cannot enter text.  Can someone
>> please help me on this apparent loss of keyboard funtionality?
> This really sounds like a b0rked keyboard. I dunno what else to say. Can you 
> test it on another machine or O/S?
> /d

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