Kubuntu driver for HP LaserJet4+

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at bellsouth.net
Fri Jan 5 22:14:44 UTC 2007

Hah! Another thread hijacker like me, I love it!  You are forgiven my friend!


On Friday 05 January 2007 12:41, Maynard Wright wrote:
> I'm resending this message with its own subject line.  I didn't really mean
> to hijack the other thread for something entirely unrelated.  Sorry.
> Maynard
> --------------------------------------
> I'm running Kubuntu 6.06 LTS on a Toshiba Satellite laptop that has no
> parallel port.  I'm using the USB port to connect to my HP LaserJet4+
> printer, but I don't see a driver for that printer in the downloads I've
> found in the repositories.  Is there one out there?  The hardware I have
> lashed together worked fine for printing from RedHat 8.
> Thanks,
> Maynard

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