The kubuntu annoyance

jeremy anderson jeremy at
Thu Jan 4 15:02:40 UTC 2007

On Thursday 04 January 2007 09:06, Art Alexion wrote:
> On Wednesday 03 January 2007 08:36, Derek Broughton wrote:
> > Art Alexion wrote:
> > > If you have a registered copy of Nero windows, download NeroLinux.  It
> > > is not open source, not free, and has a very clunky interface, but I
> > > have found that it does things well that k3b refuses to do.
> >
> > Don't tease us Art!  Can you give some examples (I'm far from a k3b power
> > user, but it's always worked well for me).
> For me, k3b has refused to burn certain video DVDs.  Nero burns them
> without complaint.  I have yet to figure out what it is about the
> particular DVDs that gives k3b a problem.  The symptoms are that as soon as
> you click OK in the burn dialog, the first message is something like
> "Error! Can't determine ISO size." and then it aborts.  The DVDs that I
> have then burnt using Nero (which makes no such complaint) play fine.  As a
> note, I use dvdauthor and qdvdauthor to create the DVD structures. 
> However, the video sources from the problem DVDs come various unknown
> sources (I collect Jazz performances from European and Japanese TV).  This
> does not seem to be a PAL vs. NSTC problem, nor a full vs. wide screen
> problem.
> BTW anything interesting is very hard to do with dvdauthor, and although
> qdvdauthor helps simplify this, it is very, very buggy.  I can't wait to
> get decent DVD authoring tools for Linux.

I am no way an expert with k3b but I have found that a reduction of speed on 
the copy for some burns has kept me away from errors.  Worth a try anyway.  
If it works for you too then maybe nero has a better way of taking care of 
this in auto mode...  Again not an expert but try and see if it works for 
you.  One of my burns I had to go down to the lowest setting.  


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